terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010

segunda-feira, 3 de maio de 2010

domingo, 2 de maio de 2010

Mr. Bean's Holidays

You’re going to watch a film about Mr. Bean’s holidays.

While you watch tick the correct answer for the following questions

1. When the film starts Mr. Bean is in …

2. The weather is …

 Sunny  Cloudy  Rainy

3. Mr. Bean wins a trip to …

 Paris  Cannes  Lyon

4. 2. He travels by …

 Plane  Train  Car

5. He hides his money in his…

 Trousers  Tie  Shoes

Mr. Bean continues his travel with the company of…

 A girl  A man  a boy

6. They try to find the boy’s…

 Friend  Father  Godfather

7. He leaves his wallet near…

 The Restaurant  The Chair  The telephone

8. Mr.Bean plays, sings and dances and people give him…

 Food  Money  Applauses

9. He buys a bus ticket but loses it. What animal is involved?

 A dog  A cat  A chicken

10. He falls asleep and wakes up in

 A film scenario  A war  Spain

11. He gets a ride with a girl. Her car is a

 BMW  Mini  Aston Martin

12. They attend the

Cannes festival Oscars festival Emmy awards

13. The film ends in a

Beach Concert Museum

What do you think about the film?



A good video to introduce the topic...

segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010

New York, New York

 Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the words given:

School           Shine             Lonely           Pretty            Trains          World            Eyes            Laugh

Answer the following questions about the song:

Say whether the following statements about the song are true or false. Correct the false ones.

a. The singer is in New York. _________________________________________________________

b. The singer thinks his girlfriend is beautiful. ___________________________________________

c. Their friends understand their feelings. ______________________________________________

d. The singer’s girlfriend is a teacher. __________________________________________________

Complete the following sentences using your own words.

a. The girl in the song is living … ______________________________________________________

b. She went to New York to … ________________________________________________________

c. She will finish school in … __________________________________________________________

d. The singer doesn’t want his girlfriend to… _____________________________________________

The singer’s girlfriend went to New York to study.

After watching the documentary about New York, answer the  following questions.

1. Is it a rural or urban area?

2. Are the buildings high or low?

3. Are there any cultural places / events you can see? (Examples)

4. Can you see many trees or animals?

5. Is there a lot of traffic?

6. Are there many people?

7. What colours are the taxis there?

8. What’s the most interesting thing you see?

Another song , another idea...

Fill in the gaps with the words above...
Empire State Of Mind Lyrics



Yeah I'm out that __________________.

Now I'm down in Tribeca.

Right next to DeNiro

But I'll be hood forever

I'm the new __________________

And since I made it here

I can make it anywhere

(Yeah they love me everywhere)

I used to cop in _________________

All of my Dominicanos (Hey yo)

Right there off of _________________

Brought me back to that McDonalds

Took it to my stash spot

560 State Street

Catch me in the kitchen like Simmons whipping Pastry

Cruising down 8th street

Off-white _______________

Driving so slow

(but BK, it's from Texas!!)

Me I'm out that BedStuy

Home of that boy Biggie

now I live on Billboard

and I brought my boys with me

Say what up to Ta-ta

Still sipping Mai Tais

Sitting courtside

Knicks and Nets give me high-5

N**ga, I be Spiked out

I could trip a referee

...tell by my attitude that I'm MOST DEFINITELY FROM...

[Alicia Keys]

________ _________!!!!

Concrete _________ where dreams are made of,

There's nothing you can’t do,

Now you're in New York!!!

These streets will make you feel brand new,

the ________ will inspire you,

Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York


I made you hot n-gga,

Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee game,

sh-t I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can,

you should know I bleed Blue, but I ain't a crip tho,

but I got a gang of n-ggas walking with my clique though,

welcome to the melting pot,

corners where we selling rocks,

Afrika bambaataa sh-t,

home of the hip hop,

________ __________, gypsy cab, dollar cab, holla back,

for foreigners it ain't fitted act like they forgot how to act,

8 million stories out there and they're naked,

city it's a pity half of y’all won’t make it,

me I gotta plug a special and I got it made,

If Jeezy's payin LeBron, I’m paying Dwayne Wade,

3 dice cee-lo

3 card marley,

Labor Day parade, rest in peace Bob Marley,

______ ___ ________, long live the _________ ________,

long live the king yo,

I’m from the Empire State thats…

[Alicia Keys]

In New York!!!!

Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,

There's nothing you can’t do,

Now you're in New York!!!

These streets will make you feel brand new,

the lights will inspire you,

Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

Welcome to the bright light..

Confessions of a Shopaholic

This is a good trailer to introduce the topic Young People and Consumerism

Here are some questions about the trailer:

1. What happened when Rebecca was 7 years old? What about her friends?
2. What did "they" have instead of money?
3. What does Rebecca talk about to introduce herself?

4. What happens to Rebecca's credit card? What does it mean?
5. What is the reason? Explain in your own words.
6. What is Rebecca's reaction when she receives the bills?

7. How much does she owe?
8. What should she do to solve her problem?
9. What job does she find?

10.Does she tell the truth on her résumé? What is the consequence at the end?
11. What does Rebecca wish she could write about?
12. Does she succeed in her job?
13. Where is her credit card hidden?