domingo, 2 de maio de 2010

Mr. Bean's Holidays

You’re going to watch a film about Mr. Bean’s holidays.

While you watch tick the correct answer for the following questions

1. When the film starts Mr. Bean is in …

2. The weather is …

 Sunny  Cloudy  Rainy

3. Mr. Bean wins a trip to …

 Paris  Cannes  Lyon

4. 2. He travels by …

 Plane  Train  Car

5. He hides his money in his…

 Trousers  Tie  Shoes

Mr. Bean continues his travel with the company of…

 A girl  A man  a boy

6. They try to find the boy’s…

 Friend  Father  Godfather

7. He leaves his wallet near…

 The Restaurant  The Chair  The telephone

8. Mr.Bean plays, sings and dances and people give him…

 Food  Money  Applauses

9. He buys a bus ticket but loses it. What animal is involved?

 A dog  A cat  A chicken

10. He falls asleep and wakes up in

 A film scenario  A war  Spain

11. He gets a ride with a girl. Her car is a

 BMW  Mini  Aston Martin

12. They attend the

Cannes festival Oscars festival Emmy awards

13. The film ends in a

Beach Concert Museum

What do you think about the film?


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